
  • SELECT users.* FROM bolt_users users

    Parameters: []
    Time: 0.00 ms
  • SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'table' AND name != 'sqlite_sequence' AND name != 'geometry_columns' AND name != 'spatial_ref_sys' UNION ALL SELECT name FROM sqlite_temp_master WHERE type = 'table' ORDER BY name

    Parameters: []
    Time: 0.00 ms
  • SELECT bolt_blocks.* FROM bolt_blocks WHERE ("bolt_blocks"."slug" = '404-not-found') ORDER BY datepublish DESC LIMIT 1

    Parameters: []
    Time: 0.00 ms
  • INSERT INTO bolt_log_system (level, date, message, ownerid, requesturi, route, ip, context, source) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)

    Parameters: [300,"2024-09-28 13:15:10","No route found for \"GET \/robots.txt\"",0,"\/robots.txt",null,"","exception","{\"file\":\"E:\\\\xampp\\\\htdocs\\\\vendor\\\\symfony\\\\http-kernel\\\\EventListener\\\\RouterListener.php\",\"line\":176,\"class\":\"\",\"function\":\"\",\"message\":\"No route found for \\\"GET \\\/robots.txt\\\"\"}"]
    Time: 0.00 ms